Unit 2: Fundamental Political Principles & Significant Documents - Gov't Theory
Fundamental Political Principles Game
move with arrow keys. move the dot to the correct answer tile and press D. incorrect answer = lose a heart. touch blue = lose a heart. zero hearts = game over. refill your hearts by touching the pink heart when it appears. press q to see the question again
Parts of the Constitution Matching
Click the Playing card to receive a card. Move the mouse to the proper place and click the mouse. Correct = green, wrong = red. If your card is touching two parts of the constitution, then it will be counted wrong.
Link to constitution game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/54558452/
Link to constitution game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/54558452/
Unit 2 Test Review
Unit 2 - FPPs & Significant Documents
Unit 2 - Constitution Chaos 2 - Hardest Game Yet?
Unit 2 - FPPs & Significant Documents 2
U2 - Constitution Parts